Three Point Pythagoras The key is to make sure your second shot - the "rectangular shot" - is perpendicular to the point you are measuring, shown as the 90° angle in the images. Pythagoras Function - Take indirect height and width measurements using the Pythagorean Theorem.Very useful for accurate diagonal room or window/door measurements. Min / Max Function -Min / Max Function In Min/Max mode, you "sweep" the laser point into a corner.Otherwise, the width of the base would prevent you from getting all the way into the corner, rendering the measurement inaccurate. Flip it out all the way and you can put this baby in a corner to accurately measure diagonals. Flip it open 90 degrees to align the base perfectly on an edge or corner. In the closed position the DISTO knows to measure from its base. Intelligent End piece - The end piece is an integral part of the tool, connected to the circuit board.Volume mode adds a third vertical shot to calculate volume. Authorized Dealer Manufacturers 3 year warranty, Case.
Area / Volume -Area / Volume In area mode, the DISTO determines the area of a rectangle or square in two shots. Leica DISTO D2 Laser Distance Meter 838725 W/ Bluetooth and Kit.It features an intuitive back-lit LCD display in a 4oz package that is small. The display shows the distance to the next stake out point and the DISTO beeps as you approach it. The Leica DISTO D2 is a 7 measurement mode LDM accurate to 1/16th of an inch. Ideal for any situation where you need to place objects at a consistent interval. Stake Out Function - The stake out function uses the continuous measurement mode to indicate where to place stakes along a stake-out line.

Now with Bluetooth, a fully integrated intelligent endpiece, a bright white display and an ISO certified.